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Grateful Voices: Noah

In the summer of 2020, while all of us around the globe were isolated in some way from those we love, award-winning photographer and filmmaker Doug Menuez found a way for us to gather safely, outdoors, to listen closely to the stories of seven individuals for whom grateful living is a way of life. The result of Doug’s beautiful work is a new video series, Grateful Voices. In the short film and narrative below Noah, who generously participated in the project, shares his story.


Gratitude with Noah McIntyre

In this exclusive chat with Kelle Sparta, The Spirit Doctor, she welcomes long time friend and gratitude coach, Noah McIntyre, to Spirit Sherpa to discuss the practice of gratitude and the impact it can have on your everyday life. Noah brings his vast experience and endearing personality into an episode that is sure to light up your day!


Community Conversation | Transformative Learning Foundation

Join Noah and members of the Antioch University and Transformative Learning Foundation community for an evening of giving thanks at The Gratitude Gathering. The Gratitude Gathering is the gratitude group method Noah has developed in his Masters of Arts and Social Science program at Antioch University in partnership with The Transformative Learning Foundation. Experience the art and the science of practicing gratitude in community and learn to elevate your mood, enhance you relationships and take your joy, creativity and well-being to next level!


Live Your Passion: Noah McIntyre, “Tragedy to Transformation”

Join Noah and Alex Stephen, the host of The Live Your Passion Show, for an in depth interview on how grateful living allowed Noah to learn to be powerful with Parkinson's and turn mental health challenges into opportunities for intimacy and connection with his family and his community. For resources and support with Parkinson's, visit The Parkinson's Foundation. For resources and support with mental health challenges and mental wellness resources, visit The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance. For resources and support with Integrative Nutrition, visit The Institute for Integrative Nutrition.